Virlios Company LLC with it’s headquarters at 19/1-4 Igman Street in Kavadarci with VAT
4011003120143, deals with automation, software development and various hardware solutions.
We began in 2002 and from then until today, we work on the basis of our
values ​​that are the basis for the development of our company, which they are:
Integrity and objectivity: We are here for our customers and we do our job’s
obligations based on values ​​and principles.
Quality and possibility: We perform the work based on the quality standards that we have
confirmed during the years of work, based on what we control our work and we implement it with maximum quality.
Professionalism: We love our profession and with knowledge and professionalism
we approach all the challenges in work.
Teamwork: We can and we want to work with others, to understand the differences and to seek common goals.
Commitment: We identify our self with our values, ​so they are reflected in everything we do.
Our best-selling products/services are: Automation of self-service laundries, Tracking and
improvement of production processes in several production companies, repair, repair and commissioning
of used machines as well as the sale of parts and spare parts for industrial machines.
Most of the income is from the sale of products/services in the country, but currently we strive to increase the income from abroad, so we have cooperation with the countries of the region (with Serbia, Kosovo, Bulgaria, Albania and Greece).